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海连(中国)国际货运有限公司青岛分公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
海连(中国)货运有限公司青岛分公司主要从事集装箱海运、空运等国际货运代理业务,其主要特色航线为亚洲至美加航线及亚洲至欧洲航线,其总部位于美国洛杉矶,成立于1990年,美国地区分设5个分公司,海连集团公司在中国及东南亚主要港口城市均设有分公司,经过多年的锐意进取,海连集团公司不断成长壮大,多次被评为亚洲无船承运人(NVOCC)的前20强,与此同时,海连集团每年的成长也受到了航运业及15家跨太平洋航线的船公司的关注,我们会和船公司共同合作,为客户提供物流链解决方案,与客户在友好合作中共同进步。Allow me to introduce that the Topocean Group. In many ways We are like a family. Most of our staff and even some of our agents,have been with us since we started in 1990. of course we have grown considerably and that has required the addition of new faces and new services Topocean today is one of the largest NVOCCs serving the trans-Pacific tradelanes . We consider this growth a sign that our customers are happy with the service we provide them. As they grow, so do we. This growth has not gone unnoticed by the carrier community and the group supports 15 carriers plying the trans-Pacific trade in any given year. We consider our strength to come the fact that we are customer focused-carier focused. We hope that when you consider Topocean you will consider becoming a member of the Topocean Family.


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