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Rigging and Scaffolding绳索脚手架总管 加急招聘 [ 投诉职位 ]






专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假


  • 工作地点:青岛市
  • 要求行业:船舶与海洋工程、游艇、航运海运类
  • 年龄要求:18~60岁
  • 要求学历:高中
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:5年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


Seek guidance the Fabrication Superintendent and Fabrication Management as appropriate before making critical and important decisions. 作出关键性重大决策前,寻求建造总管和建造管理层的指导。Provide direction and make decisions in pursuit of the project and area goals and objectives. 为达成项目和工区的目标和目的,进行管理并作出决策。Provide leadership to the department Supervisors. 领导部门监管员的工作。Set standards of behaviour. 确立行为准则。Solicit ideas the team members in order to overcome any difficulties that may be encountered during the implementation of the project. 为了克服项目实施过程中所遇到的困难,征求小组成员的意见。Provide best technical solutions to construction team.为施工小组提供解决问题的的技术方案。Foster an environment for building team morale and build consensus within the team. 为建立团队士气和达成团队共识,培养良好的氛围。Hold the members of the rigging team accountable for work performed per their roles and responsibilities. 保证索具工作组的成员按照其职能和职责要求完成工作。Clearly delegate actions and responsibilities and define deliverable requirements in terms of both scope and schedule to team members. 给小组成员清楚地分配任务,并清楚说明工作范围和进度方面的交付要求。Facilitate timely problem resolution with the rigging team members. 与小组成员一起努力促进问题的及时解决。Facilitate the interface between the rigging / scaffold, construction team, the safety and quality departments. 加强索具/脚手架小组,施工小组,安全和质量部门之间的交流。Plan the project to a level of details to enable sound decision making and clear definition of weekly requirements to those uting the work. 对项目进行详细准备,以便作出合理的决策,并明确对工作执行人员的周工作要求。Forecast tools and equipment needs in advance of the requirement. 在需求产生之前,预估工具和设备的需求。Identify specific training needs in advance of the requirement. 在需求产生之前,确认特定的培训需求。Be involved in the review of the plan in consultation with the Project Fabrication Superintendent and other team members and agree and confirm the 4WLA activities and manning requirements.通过与项目建造总管及其他小组成员磋商,参与审查计划,同意并确认4WLA活动和所需人员配备。Demonstrate good planning and organization in your day to day activities.在日常事务中展示出良好的计划和组织能力。Obtain commitment all the Projects on the timely delivery of data to ensure the labour force allocated to the work is productively used.及时从所有项目获取相应数据,以确保分配到各项工作的劳动力得到了充分的使用。Monitor productivity and schedule performance and investigate reasons for less than satisfactory performance. 监督员工的工作效率和工作进度,并调查造成令人不满意的工作表现的原因。Institute measures for improvement by modification to operating procedures / work instructions.通过修订操作程序及工作指南来采取措施改善工作。Review the project progress and productivity with the Fabrication Superintendent.与建造监管人一起审查项目的进度和生产效率。When attending meetings, arrive fully prepared and informed to provide answers to questions raised during the meeting. Be prepared to fully participate in the meeting.参加会议时,会前充分准备并知悉详情,从而可以回答会议所提出问题。积极充分地参与到会议当中去。Responsible for directing of activities of all movable equipment, providing men with equipment to fabrication, offshore platforms, supervising the lifting and loadout of all heavy structures as per loadout procedures. 负责管理所有可移动设备,为工人提供建造及海上平台要用的设备。监督所有重载结构的吊装和上驳。 职位要求: 8年以上海工、船舶相关工作经验5年以上现场管理工作经验



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